Monday, July 1, 2013

Episode 2


   As I correctly predicted last week, Adrianna was not the murderer, which means many of the house-guests have some rethinking to do. In case you missed it, Sunday's new episode of ABC's new crime/game show concludes with Adrianna attempting to escape the mansion via a gold cart which spontaneously explodes and sends her body flying into a nearby tree. Adrianna becomes the third victim of the ruthless mystery killer, who already previously shot Sherri and recreated Dante's inferno. 10 are left, let's investigate. Once again, the living characters are listed in alphabetical order, followed by a weekly prediction at the bottom of the page.

Cristina: The beauty queen did much of the same this week, keeping mostly to herself yet still solving the crimes. The beauty queen continues to impress, having outplayed an insurance investigator and a TV crime reporter. Cris continues to fly under the radar, not creating any tension in the house and simultaneously not doing much to solve riddles or locate clues. Her laid back style is one to keep watch of, but to go ahead and label Miss Nevada 2010 as the killer is still a bit of a gamble.

Dana: For the first time, we saw Dana really lose her composure at dinner and the night of the 3rd murder. Dana continues to rely on her health care knowledge at the morgue, but doesn't seem to have much to contribute. She almost got the axe for putting her trust in Ulysses who gave her no information in return. Unless it's great acting, Dana just doesn't seem cunning or stable enough to be the killer, although she admittedly would love to take Ulysses' head off.

Don: Don didn't get as much airtime as he did in the first episode of the season, but that might be ABC's way of taking some heat off his back. However from the footage we did see, we did witness a much different Don than we remember from last week. This week's Don was confident, and very hands on when it came to inspecting the burnt body and stating his case. Don seemed rather relaxed at this week's dinner, and it's hard to believe he magically changed overnight.

Geno: The Geno/Kam feud continues. In a way, it almost seems like Geno wants Kam to continue to believe it's him. Geno had a big gear shift from passive to active this week, doing most of the dirty-work at the last known whereabouts and giving his partners strict instruction to lie about the name of the saint. Geno made it all look relatively easy too, and all of a sudden all the criminal justice players were taking info from the bar trivia host. Geno seemed unphased by Kam's game, but after tonight it's quite possible Kam is onto something.

Kam: Kam continues his sophisticated, well-structured game. Kam's power alliance strategy and disclosure of information with anyone outside his team has worked well for him and his team members thus far. Kam found the location of the pink crest awfully quickly in the flag riddle, but that may just have been a good eye, and the fact that he grabbed the electrically charged doorknob leads the viewer to think he's not the killer after all. Don't completely trash the idea, he may just have taken a bullet to further hide his identity and further gain the trust of his allies, but that's an awfully painful bullet to take if that's the case.

Lindsey: Lindsey still seems a long shot to be the killer. She comes off with such an innocent vibe and tries to gain the most information she possibly can in her conversations with the rest of the house mates. There's nothing that suggests that she isn't the killer either, that's all it comes down to, a lack of hard-evidence. She seems very mature and knowing for her age, more so than the other 27 year olds the beauty queen and Donte the dummy. My gut still says it's not Lindsey, but we need more to draw a conclusion from than ABC's provided.

Melina: The given information still points to Melina not being guilty. She had a major breakdown at dinner, and she quickly solved the riddle and located the benzene. On the other hand, she strikes me as one of the best actors of the cast members, she's very animated and doesn't shy away from attention or cameos. But with the circumstances being what they are, I genuinely think that's just the way her personality is and Melina is innocent.

Ronnie: Ronnie continues to flex his brain and make good use of what he's given. He was wrong about the grill, but it was a good idea nonetheless, and he was much wiser about keeping it to himself this time around. He also read Adrianna like a book when she was trying to conceal information about the medallion and he was once again very hands on when solving clues at the last known whereabouts. Ronnie should be kept on a tight leash, simply due to his intelligence and craftiness. But in my opinion, Ronnie puts way too much effort into solving the mysteries to be seriously suspected as the killer.

Sasha: Sasha still appears to be innocent, at least for now. She wasn't as on point as she was in week 1 with her case, but she still got good info and made good connections with other members of the house. Sasha seems to have a general idea of what's going on around the house, which is a bit odd. She's playing a great game right now, no one's really sure what her deal is. She's worth keeping an eye on, but for now there's no major reason to label her as a top suspect.

Ulysses: Ulysses still remains a wild card. He most correctly solved the crime this week, which is suspicious seeing how worried he was before hand, but he may have just gotten great info from his alliance and then spun a great story out of it with his law background. He does a great job to sit back and allow Kam to do the dirty work in their alliance and keeping others out of it, and he's never been overly willing to share the intel he finds in the morgue. Ironically enough, his last 2 votes have both died the following morning (Dante and Adrianna), it will be interesting to see if that pattern continues. 

Final Prediction: I'm still sticking with my hunch and going with Don. His personality changing overnight and his lack of screen time in addition to the game he's played in just popping up as red flags to me. I have yet to see any reason to change my mind on Don, but if I'm wrong my next best guess would be either Ulysses, Sasha, or Cris.


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