Monday, August 12, 2013


     Well I really expected to get some insurance on my Melina prediction this week, but instead I'm left completely baffled. For the first time the entire season, the episode did not end with a confirmed kill and therefore there are still 4 possibilities. The ending left me mind-warped, if all 4 players were in the limo then who tied up Giles? It couldn't have physically been the killer? And then in the finale preview it showed the previously killed players resurrected as what appears to be zombies?? Each week I think the show can't become any more bizarre, but each week I'm proven wrong. Anyways, we've been given almost all the info now so this is my last opportunity to put together a well developed hypothesis and I am shaking it up a bit with my predictions, so here goes.

#4. Kam: Kam is now at the bottom of my list simply because I believe the killer is a female. I've come to this conclusion based on two pieces of evidence: the killer had to stuff their shoes to fit a larger size when killing Dana & Sasha, and the killer used a bobby-pin to break into Geno's room and bobby-pins are typically worn by girls.  But I haven't completely wrote off Kam either. He's proven to be ridiculously smart and diabolical, and he always has a smirk on his face whenever "the killer" is mentioned. But to go back to why Kam isn't the killer, he's way to prideful in his detective methods and he's trying harder than anyone else to win the game.

#3. Melina: Melina was still my top prediction for the majority of this episode, up until the end that is. It seemed like the producers tried way to hard to keep Melina alive, with the ice challenge, the addition of the mystery room, and giving her the morgue to herself. She was also able to deduct a huge chunk of the information by herself all from the morgue, that should draw more red flags. And when she dissapeared with no sound and little time, it just seemed all too perfect. But then I remembered one thing all the way back from episode 1....the Iron Maiden. The show said from the beginning that the finale would only consist of three players, and I don't think ABC would try to pull a quickie on us so I truly do believe Melina is trapped inside the iron maiden and is dead. But she was also not seen with the zombies in the finale preview, and if she is the killer then ABC took the necessary precautions to preserve her identity. If she isn't, I misjudged her and she's actually very smart and played a great game.

#2. Cris: Cris' story is still a bit fishy to me. Ex Miss Nevada never received a scare card? Come on... Add the fact that her and Lindsey have accused each other for a while now, and it's a good bet that one of them is the killer, and the other is the winner. I've been suspicious of Cris from day one, and she's been the biggest constant for me throughout my predictions, but then again the evidence really isn't there and never has been. Also the body type of the killer when they show her (or him) in the black suit really doesn't fit Cris' size. And although Cris has been cool & composed the entire season, last night at dinner was the first time I saw her truly uncomfortable. She couldn't stop fidgeting and she just had a mortified look on her face. My theory is that the fact she had no scare cards is just to throw off the last victim (most likely Kam). I actually believe she's going to win, and she's a great role model to young women watching the show.

#1. Lindsey: It's Lindsey. Everything fits. The stuffed shoe, the bobby-pin, her dark colored horse, the body type, and the creepy vibe she gives off. Let's not forget the fact that she always survives without trying to hard to gain information, even when the house tried to ice her out she came up with the best case. She's also an engineer, and a lot of the deaths dealt with chemical reactions that only a true scientist would be able to perform. She also never felt the need to commit to a team until she was forced a hand, why would the killer need to pick a side? Lindsey has fooled the entire house by playing dumb and silly, but Cris has it figured out and Kam too but only due to process of elimination. It's only fitting Lindsey gets the last laugh with that iconic cackle of hers, I'm confident I finally have it right this time.

Bold Prediction: Melina is dead inside the Iron Maiden. Kam will die in the finale. Cris wins $250k. Lindsey is revealed as the killer.

     Do you agree with my conclusions? Is there anything I'm missing? Is there any chance it could be Giles, a maid, or more than one person? This is your last chance to let your voice be heard in the comments below. I've greatly enjoyed the intelligent conversations I've had with my readers and friends about the show and I just also want to say thank you for the near 2000 of you who have taken the time to read each week and support. I greatly hope Whodunnit will return next summer and if it does there's a high possibility I will do this again. I hope everyone enjoys the finale!

Written by: Ryan Quigley

Monday, August 5, 2013


     "And then there were four." Now that Ronnie is dead, there's no one else in the house to rule out. If Rue Mannor is teaching us one thing it's that the simple pleasures are the things to watch out for. Hot tubs, parties, pajamas, steak, horseback rides, the pattern is inevitable. In fact the violent things are almost always ploys: the mountain lion, the chandelier, the snakes, the glass tank of fish. The crimes are becoming near impossible to solve, and it should draw flags that of the 4 remaining players only one of them has in career in crime investigation. But that just goes to show how unpredictable the game really is. Anyways, this weeks format is the same as last week, with the suspects listed in order from "least likely" to "most likely".

#4. Lindsey: Again, the top 4 are quite interchangeable, Lindsey is still a good suspect. After feeding off others information during inspections, she miraculously found a stroke of brilliance in the last known whereabouts by finding and dis-ciphering the note. She then chose to withhold that information from her teammates to ultimately win "state your case" for the second time. Her and Cris are becoming frenemies, and despite the smiles and the laughs they turn around and accuse each other every week. There's no reason to not heavily suspect Lindsey, I just think the other three have better supporting evidence.

#3. Kam: Originally, I wrote Kam off from the beginning because I didn't think the killer would accept a leadership position so early and eagerly. But as of late, my suspicion of Kam continues to rise. If you paid attention to the written explanation of Geno's death, it sounds just like Kam's words. There's a lot of hostility in the note using phrases such as "unworthy adversary" and seemed very happen to be rid of Geno at last. After a quick glimpse at Melina's beads during the challenge, he hammered out the remainder of the riddle as if he already knew everything beforehand. If Kam's not the killer, then he should be $250k richer.

#2. Cris: For the second week in a row, Cris is my second choice. It's still hard to tell whether she's being dishonest about her profession or if she's the killer. But most other players were honest about their profession during the cameos (i.e. Ronnie, Don). So if Cris is indeed truthful, it doesn't add up that Miss Nevada 2010 wins two challenges, never receives a scare card, and makes the Final 4. "My dad's a cop" doesn't credit you with those kind of skills. If she's the killer she's perfectly used Kam as a pawn to do her dirty work while she takes care of business behind the scenes. But there is one other house guest that's just way to suspicious.

#1. Melina: Everything is becoming clearer and clearer. Melina is the last remaining member of her team of outsiders, and she outlasted Ronnie of all people. I realize you should expect to be killed when you include "trained monkeys" in state your case, but at the same time Ronnie correctly predicted the silencer and the handgun in the challenge, whereas Melina fumbled around desperately with her case and lack of information. She's a damn good actress, look at how disgusted she looked when Cris pulled the slug out of Geno's stomach or how terrified she reacted when opening her card at dinner. Melina is now a lone wolf, so next week will either validate my suspicion, or leave me really really confused if she dies. But for the third week in a row, I'm locking in Melina as my official killer prediction.

Written by: Ryan Quigley

Monday, July 29, 2013


     With only 3 episodes left, the competition couldn't be any better. The deaths are becoming both more intriguing and more complicated to solve, and the remaining players are incredibly strong and crafty. Of the alive five, 3 have never received scare cards, 2 have never been accused, and 2 have never solved riddles, which still leavs endless possibilities open. With the exception of Ronnie, all the players have legitimate reasoning to be pointed fingers at. Since the field is now so narrow, I've changed the format of the blog and the players will now be ranked on the likelihood that they are the killer from least likely to most likely.

#5. Ronnie: The reason Ronnie ends up at the bottom of my suspects list is simply because he's trying way too hard to win the game. Ronnie floats wherever the numbers pull him, even if it means crossing his own team. He's ridiculously intelligent and very strong in challenges and their puzzle solving aspects. Ronnie is always about living to fight another day and striking deals with others so he can outplay his opponents and advance further in the game. He's not the killer.

#4. Lindsey: Lindsey is the most popular prediction in the house, and for good reason. She's never been scared, never won a challenge, and she pleases everyone when it comes to the social game. But what's the real validity past that? Sure she's miraculously dodged her fair share of bullets in "state your case" but her entire game consists of attaching to Kam and Cris like a leech after she was forced into that alliance. Despite the fact she's only #4, Lindsey is still a great bet. She effortlessly made the final five and avoided being iced out by the house and winning "state your case" one week when her team didn't even have access to the riddle. 

#3. Kam: Take a look at what Kam's done in his stay at Rue Mannor. He's turned the entire house against each other and sat back and enjoyed every minute of it. With the exceptions of Cris, Lindsey, and Ulysses, he's showed no concern for the rest of the house guests and feels free to be rude and speak his mind without any hesitation. But then there's some counterpoints. Kam has been extremely loyal to those who work with him, including flip-flopping Lindsey when he had the chance to ice her out. Also Kam had a direct strategy to win the game from the very first murder and set the tone of the game style early. 

#2. Cris: Cris is coming on strong as of late. At this point, she's either going to be $250k richer or found guilty for 11 murders. Miss Nevada has been stellar in challenges and "state your case", and even causes slight division in the house by turning Melina against Geno and withholding info from her own team while giving "half riddles" to members of opposing teams. Cris has every reason to be suspected, but one more female might just barely be a bit more suspicious.

#1/Final Prediction. Melina: Slowly, it's all adding up. She's the only member of the house to not receive a scarecard AND not win a challenge AND never be accused (yet). Despite coming off as an average player, she's continued to outlast her teammates, even outperforming top guns Geno and Ronnie. She's also a solid actress, showing us a variety of emotions that grow as the game progresses to the point where Giles can't even approach her without a staged horrified reaction. No one in the house suspected innocent, girly, emotional Melina until Ronnie started putting the pieces together at dinner last week. She would be a perfect fit for what ABC wants.

Written by: Ryan Quigley

Monday, July 22, 2013


  If this week was any indication of the way the rest of the show is going to pan out, things are going to get really insane really fast. The killer upped their game, taking not one life but two in a very erie manner that left Sasha and Dana frozen at a piano that somehow continued to play. Less than half of the original cast is left, and even though the odds of predicting correctly are higher, the game and its players become more and more puzzling. Let's jump into it anyways.

Cris: After my high suspicions of Cris the past 2 weeks, she turns around and solves the riddle and wins "state your case" this week. It could just be a set up to take some steam off her since her and Kam are currently the top suspects in the house. I still find it hard to believe she's actually a beauty queen. She's very pretty, but way too smart and had to be doing other productive things with her time than prepping for pageants. Cris remains a top suspect.

Geno: My suspicions of Geno continue to grow. Geno constantly tries to further divide the players, literally asking Team Kam to split. He continues to have complete control over his team and enjoys giving them direction. But there are some throw offs. He was scared to death when he came across the snake in the pouch, and of course there's his scare card. After being in complete control we saw a more emotional, vulnerable Geno towards the end of the episode. Either he genuinely wants to win the game, or he's a great actor.

Kam: Fate finally turned in Kam's favor this week. His new #2 Cris solved the riddle for his team and he couldn't wipe the smirk off his face as 3/5 of team Geno were scared. Kam continues to tightly hold the reigns over Cris and Lindsey and it will be interesting to see how he plays next week with the game even at 3 on 3. Kam still seems to be just a player though, multiple times he pleaded Cris to withhold her information, despite the fact that she was more than willing to dish with Ronnie and Sasha. 

Lindsey: After taking all the heat last week, Lindsey had a better week. She finally committed to Team Kam, which gave her the info she needed to live another week. It's odd that she would join the minority team and not play the numbers game, yet she still gets by as she's one of four players yet to be scared. If she's the killer, it's a great way of re balancing the game by aiding the weaker team. Oh and did anyone else notice she picked up a snake during the riddle challenge? That's not normal...

Melina: The red flags have finally popped up on my radar for Melina. She's responsible for Sasha's death for feeding her false information on snakes. She presented her information in a way that was very confident and believable, and dumb Dana went along with it. She also outplayed all members of her team except Ronnie in "state your case". Either she's a killer who threw her team under the bus to re-balance the game, or she just doesn't pay attention to detail or rhyme very well...

Ronnie: This is the one remaining member of the house who I'm gonna go ahead and say is definately not the killer. Although Ronnie showed disloyalty to his team by taking information from Cris and not sharing it, every move he makes is about further advancing himself in the game. It's worked well for him so far as he's yet to be scared. Ronnie should again be closely watched next week to see if he joins Kam's numbers or sticks with Geno and Melina. Either way, Ronnie is busy doing what's best for Ronnie, not killing house guests.

Final Prediction: I hate flopping, I like sticking to my guns. But that didn't work out for me with the whole Don thing. I had every intention of sticking with Cris, and she's still one of my top 2 suspects, however a wild card has come into effect. Melina's actions this week are a minor slip up in a very well orchestrated game thus far that I'm buying into. So for this week I will be flipping my killer prediction to the "flight attendant", although it's very possible I'll flop back towards Cris in future episodes.

Written by: Ryan Quigley

Monday, July 15, 2013


     Week 4 shook things up in Rue Manor. We finally got to witness Kam in panic mode, Lindsey became isolated from the remaining players, and we make a 180 degree shift from Mountain Lions to Horses. Ulysses died after being one of the stronger players in the game, but that goes to show how quickly the game can turn. With over 1/3 of the original cast already dead, the pressure continues to rise as the eight remaining players attempt to solve ridiculous crimes and unmask the killer, and so do we.

Cris: Cris is still very high up on my suspects list. Somehow the beauty queen was able to out-perform two attorneys in "state your case", that should immediately draw red flags. Miss Nebraska continues to act nothing like the stereotypical, dim-witted, princess that so many other beauty queens and models tend to on reality television. She's tied with Kam for the most accusations (10), however while all of Kam's are evenly spread, all 10 of Cris's come from Lindsey and Melina who have faithfully voted for her every week.

Dana: After being in the bottom two for back to back weeks, Dana emerged "state your case" as the strongest player. Finally her nursing experience aided her, helping her instantaneously solve Geno's schematic. This was a completely different Dana than the girl who kept switching tapes in the VCR when trying to effortlessly solve last week's riddle. Dana has been consistently inconsistent, showing both moments of brilliance and moments of stupidity. It's a bit fishy....

Geno: The bar trivia host continues to appear much more intelligent than his occupation title would suggest. Geno continues his very systematic social game, and at this point he seems on even playing field with Ronnie as the leader of the team of five. Geno quickly solved the library safe riddle, which is interesting considering it's the first time anyone knew a library even existed in the mansion. His play to try to divide Kam and Cris from Ulysses and Lindsey was a brilliant attempt to destroy team unity and shake things up once again. Geno continues to draw more and more of my suspicion.

Kam: After starting the game out on such a strong note, the rest of the house has caught up with and maybe even passed Kam. Kam was in the bottom two this week, and he lost his right-hand man Ulysses. While the rest of the house used the Cyanide info, Kam predicted that Don was "scared to death". Honestly? Kam continues to try to give off a cool, composed style but he continues to sweat as his game is steadily declining and his division of the house finally begins to backfire in his face. 

Lindsey: From the audience's view, Lindsey certainly seems like an obvious choice. Even after being isolated by the house, and then further isolated by Geno at the end, Lindsey still manages to get a spare card, claiming that knowing there was something in the oven spared her. Her actions and performances in "state your case" never really seem to add up, yet by some miracle she's never been accused as the killer. You can expect that to change in coming weeks. Regardless, Lindsey still seems like a pawn on someone else's chess board. Or I'm just over thinking it.

Melina: Melina continues to be a mystery. We really learned no information on her this week, as her role has stooped down to a quiet follower of other leaders of the house. What Melina is good at is the social game, befriending not only her team but being a solid gal-pal with Lindsey and Cris as well. Even after 4 episodes, it's almost impossible to get a read on Melina, but that's partially because ABC doesn't allot her an even share of screen time with the others. 

Ronnie: Ronnie consistently dominates the crime-solving portion of the game. His work in the kitchen was superb and he even found a way to cover some of it up from the opposing team. He also makes frequent references to the numbers game and his odds of winning the money. In a house of division, Ronnie actually continues to encourage unity, even attempting to join forces with Kam's big three to flush out Lindsey. Ronnie's a huge threat to win the game, but that's the only threat he is to the rest of the house.

Sasha: After a quiet first half of the episode, Sasha made one big move that changed the entire outcome of the episode. Sasha sensed Lindsey was on to something she didn't lose sight of her, helping her team gain access to the riddle. Instead of becoming team MVP, she allows Geno to become the hero as she sits back in the shadows. The only new information we gain on Sasha is her new suspicion of Lindsey, and like Melanie her air-time seems cut a bit short. A lack of exposure and a lack of hard-evidence makes Sasha one of the lesser choices.

Final Prediction: The killer has made my work easier for me. I had it narrowed down to Ulysses and Cris last week and decided to go with Cris, and with the death of Ulysses and the scare of Kam that decision now seems more justified. I have no reason to throw anyone else ahead of her, so for the second consecutive week my official Whodunnit killer prediction will be Cris. $250,000 check can be made payable to Ryan Quigley.

Written by: Ryan Quigley

Monday, July 8, 2013

Episode 3 Predictions


     Well my Don predictions have officially been foiled. Amazingly, none of the house-guests ever voted for Don. I guess that explains why they're the ones playing and I'm sitting at home. The question now becomes which house guest owns a mountain lion and chills in the attic. With only nine players left and my top suspect out of the game, it's time for me to reevaluate. 

Cris: Cris is still in my list of top suspects. Cris was in a 3-way tie for the most votes along with Geno and Kam, and everyone is still really unsure as to why a beauty queen is in such a diabolical game with professional crime solvers. Lindsey and Melina have gone as far as to predict Cris in all 3 episodes, and have been spared in all 3 episodes. On the contrary, Don predicted Cris this week and met his death. The fact that she was spared this week was surprising, seeing as she seems to be weaker than Ulysses and Kam. Cris is officially on my radar.

Dana: For the second week in a row, Dana barely got by. But this time she was a lot more composed in doing so. She also seemed careless when it came to the riddle, and she hasn't done much to solve any riddle thus far. Her personality change and her lack of interest are details to be noted. It was also the first episode Dana decided not to inspect the body, but maybe she just felt the need to mix things up after being scared the prior week. She also seemed strangely happy to see Don in the morning, shouldn't she be concerned. Dana's actions this week in contrast to prior weeks have me really suspicious, much more-so than the first 2 weeks.

Geno: The Geno/Kam vandetta continues. It was an awkward exchange between the 2 of them at the crime scene, luckily they had Ronnie there to do all the work for them. Furthermore he became Ronnie's right hand man, and seems 2nd in command when it comes to the newly formed counter alliance. Geno was among the top vote-getters in the house, but that's mainly because Kam has his alliance brainwarped into thinking so. I'm not so sold.

Kam: The plot thickened for Kam this week. After controlling the game for 2 weeks, the house got smart and plotted against him. Yet somehow, he and his entire alliance solved the crime further than Don and Dana. This leads to the suspicion that one of their "big 3" is the killer, and is feeding the other two (and possibly Lindsey) enough information to keep them around for good measure. The other two have completely bought into Kam's Geno theory and Kam continues to be the puppet master of his alliance, and he kinda comes off as the snobbish type who might own a mansion and a mountain lion. Keep your eyes open.

Lindsey: There's only two possible ways Lindsey could have been the strongest player. Either A.) She's the killer or B.) Ronnie confessed his findings to her, and her ties with both alliances we're enough to give the best case. Frankly, B is actually pretty believable if you think about it. She's exposed to the most information. But isn't that what a good killer does, create that bond with all his/her victims and make it easier to stab each one in the back? It's quite possible, and since when is an engineer such a people pleaser? Lindsey is really a 50/50 call for me at this point, possibly my dark horse candidate.

Melina: Melina is still hard to get a definite read on. On the one hand she comes off as a loose cannon and emotionally unstable, but on the other hand she's consistently voted for Cris and been spared all 3 weeks. My hunch is still that it's not Melina. She's too invested in the game and her connections with other people, but I've been wrong before.

Ronnie: Ronnie actually receives my nomination for "least likely to be a killer". He's way to intelligent and active in solving the riddles and crimes. He easily dissected the crime scene for Kam and Geno, and he's been solid on the riddles. He does control the new alliance, but his interests in staying in the game and gaining and sharing information seem to genuine. He shook it up again by being conservative about his findings in the attic (according to Dana) but the entire house seems to respect him as the strongest player. If this is all a ploy though, it's been done to perfection and I'll be forced to withdraw my "lltbak" nomination and replacing it with an Oscar nomination.

Sasha: Sasha is still a mystery to me. She's quiet, yet good at what she does. She had the least airtime of the players this week, but her direct threat to Lindsey about choosing a side was quite a bold move from such a quiet presence. It's often the quiet ones you have to watch out for, no one suspects them to slip in the silent blade when others foolishly do their dirty work for them.There's certainly no reason to dismiss any suspicion of Sasha, but there's no direct reason to accuse her yet either. Sasha's development still needs more time to draw better conclusions.

Ulysses: It's a possibility! Ulysses would be the perfect villain, he's latched to Kam like a leach and politely sits back while Kam takes care of the cutthroat business. We haven't forgotten his miraculous victory last week as the strongest player either. Other important things to note are that Ulysses has not been directly involved in the riddle solving activity, and all 3 weeks he's chosen to inspect the body. In those 3 trips, the only information he's given out is the possibility of a musket round, which was false. He's also played the social game well, being congenial with everyone, making Kam out to be the enemy, making Dante out to be a liar, and even Dana doesn't seem too upset with him anymore. Ulysses is another top prospect.

Final Prediction: The case results still have me on the conclusion that the murderer is a member of the Kam trio. I don't think it's Kam though, I think Kam is brilliantly being used as a pawn for a greater force of evil. That leaves Ulysses and Cris. If it's not one of those three then I'm calling Sasha, who would have brilliantly aligned herself with "the good guys". But for this week, I'm really torn between Ulysses and Cris. Both have solid arguements, but I will play by the same rules as the game: one prediction only. So my official week 3 prediction will be...Cris?

Written by: Ryan Quigley

Monday, July 1, 2013

Episode 2


   As I correctly predicted last week, Adrianna was not the murderer, which means many of the house-guests have some rethinking to do. In case you missed it, Sunday's new episode of ABC's new crime/game show concludes with Adrianna attempting to escape the mansion via a gold cart which spontaneously explodes and sends her body flying into a nearby tree. Adrianna becomes the third victim of the ruthless mystery killer, who already previously shot Sherri and recreated Dante's inferno. 10 are left, let's investigate. Once again, the living characters are listed in alphabetical order, followed by a weekly prediction at the bottom of the page.

Cristina: The beauty queen did much of the same this week, keeping mostly to herself yet still solving the crimes. The beauty queen continues to impress, having outplayed an insurance investigator and a TV crime reporter. Cris continues to fly under the radar, not creating any tension in the house and simultaneously not doing much to solve riddles or locate clues. Her laid back style is one to keep watch of, but to go ahead and label Miss Nevada 2010 as the killer is still a bit of a gamble.

Dana: For the first time, we saw Dana really lose her composure at dinner and the night of the 3rd murder. Dana continues to rely on her health care knowledge at the morgue, but doesn't seem to have much to contribute. She almost got the axe for putting her trust in Ulysses who gave her no information in return. Unless it's great acting, Dana just doesn't seem cunning or stable enough to be the killer, although she admittedly would love to take Ulysses' head off.

Don: Don didn't get as much airtime as he did in the first episode of the season, but that might be ABC's way of taking some heat off his back. However from the footage we did see, we did witness a much different Don than we remember from last week. This week's Don was confident, and very hands on when it came to inspecting the burnt body and stating his case. Don seemed rather relaxed at this week's dinner, and it's hard to believe he magically changed overnight.

Geno: The Geno/Kam feud continues. In a way, it almost seems like Geno wants Kam to continue to believe it's him. Geno had a big gear shift from passive to active this week, doing most of the dirty-work at the last known whereabouts and giving his partners strict instruction to lie about the name of the saint. Geno made it all look relatively easy too, and all of a sudden all the criminal justice players were taking info from the bar trivia host. Geno seemed unphased by Kam's game, but after tonight it's quite possible Kam is onto something.

Kam: Kam continues his sophisticated, well-structured game. Kam's power alliance strategy and disclosure of information with anyone outside his team has worked well for him and his team members thus far. Kam found the location of the pink crest awfully quickly in the flag riddle, but that may just have been a good eye, and the fact that he grabbed the electrically charged doorknob leads the viewer to think he's not the killer after all. Don't completely trash the idea, he may just have taken a bullet to further hide his identity and further gain the trust of his allies, but that's an awfully painful bullet to take if that's the case.

Lindsey: Lindsey still seems a long shot to be the killer. She comes off with such an innocent vibe and tries to gain the most information she possibly can in her conversations with the rest of the house mates. There's nothing that suggests that she isn't the killer either, that's all it comes down to, a lack of hard-evidence. She seems very mature and knowing for her age, more so than the other 27 year olds the beauty queen and Donte the dummy. My gut still says it's not Lindsey, but we need more to draw a conclusion from than ABC's provided.

Melina: The given information still points to Melina not being guilty. She had a major breakdown at dinner, and she quickly solved the riddle and located the benzene. On the other hand, she strikes me as one of the best actors of the cast members, she's very animated and doesn't shy away from attention or cameos. But with the circumstances being what they are, I genuinely think that's just the way her personality is and Melina is innocent.

Ronnie: Ronnie continues to flex his brain and make good use of what he's given. He was wrong about the grill, but it was a good idea nonetheless, and he was much wiser about keeping it to himself this time around. He also read Adrianna like a book when she was trying to conceal information about the medallion and he was once again very hands on when solving clues at the last known whereabouts. Ronnie should be kept on a tight leash, simply due to his intelligence and craftiness. But in my opinion, Ronnie puts way too much effort into solving the mysteries to be seriously suspected as the killer.

Sasha: Sasha still appears to be innocent, at least for now. She wasn't as on point as she was in week 1 with her case, but she still got good info and made good connections with other members of the house. Sasha seems to have a general idea of what's going on around the house, which is a bit odd. She's playing a great game right now, no one's really sure what her deal is. She's worth keeping an eye on, but for now there's no major reason to label her as a top suspect.

Ulysses: Ulysses still remains a wild card. He most correctly solved the crime this week, which is suspicious seeing how worried he was before hand, but he may have just gotten great info from his alliance and then spun a great story out of it with his law background. He does a great job to sit back and allow Kam to do the dirty work in their alliance and keeping others out of it, and he's never been overly willing to share the intel he finds in the morgue. Ironically enough, his last 2 votes have both died the following morning (Dante and Adrianna), it will be interesting to see if that pattern continues. 

Final Prediction: I'm still sticking with my hunch and going with Don. His personality changing overnight and his lack of screen time in addition to the game he's played in just popping up as red flags to me. I have yet to see any reason to change my mind on Don, but if I'm wrong my next best guess would be either Ulysses, Sasha, or Cris.